Monday, October 6, 2008


The financial crisis is well and truly here with many people in the developed world faced with losing their homes and worrying about where the next meal will come from.

Now enter the famous London store Selfridges which is selling a luxury chocolate called ‘Credit Crunch’.

The no doubt very pleased with himself Ewan Venters, Selfridges’ director of food and restaurants, simpers: “Although people might be looking to spend a little less at the moment, they still want to treat themselves to the best in terms of quality and luxury. Quality chocolate is the ultimate solution, being relatively inexpensive, instantly satisfying and really helps lift your mood.”

Welcome to the real world Mr Venters.

In Spain, Europe’s fourth largest economy, there are three levels of poverty. Moderate being those households with an annual income of less than 6,869 euros, ‘pobres medios’ where the disposable income is 4,572 euros a year or less and ‘pobreza extrema’ with less than 3,219 euros who suffer from extreme poverty. These groups account for nine million Spaniards – 20 per cent of the population.

On the wider stage on October 17 many countries will hold the World Day for the eradication of poverty. It is estimated that 3,000 million people live on less than two dollars a day; 1,200 million are starving whilst 30,500 children under the age of five die every day from hunger.

With two dollars you wouldn’t even buy half a bag of ‘Credit Crunch’.

But then those 3,000 million don’t shop at Selfridges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

‘Let them eat chocolate’ deserves to be spread over a very wide spectrum of media, starting with The Wall Street Journal and FT. Splendid blog, Sancho. My socialist hackles rise with yours!