This system is fast replacing the traditional coffee percolator or cafeteria in many households. However those who are investing in this new method of serving up a coffee have not done their sums or if they have they have received a mighty shock.
In Spain consumer groups point out that the cost of these hi-tech shots of coffee are the equivalent to buying a top of the range steak. A kilo of traditional ground coffee costs between 5 and 8 euros depending on the brand. Using the single-dose capsules you will end up paying between 20 and 60 euros for the same amount of ground coffee. When that is translated in to cups of the black liquid – the single dose option is certainly liquid gold for the manufacturers costing between 600 and 1,900 per cent more per cup.
The idea came from Nestle which still has the monopoly in the market. However it has now been joined by Marcilla, Saimaza, Lavazza and Kraft Foods who are all battling for the top end of this lucrative market. Needless to say in Spain Carrefour and El Corte Inglés are selling own label equivalents and other low cost brands can be expected to join in the coffee free for all.
Just how long it will last remains to be seen. Such fads have a habit of coming and going – especially when the true cost becomes known. In the meantime Nestle is taking legal action as it is furious that other manufacturers have “violated its patent”.
Nestle is furious? I don’t know about you but at those prices I need a strong drink!