Saturday, December 6, 2008


Never mind the world economic recession Italian business leaders know what is important in the world. Hence that nation’s edition of Playboy magazine has voted the Spanish Premier, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, as the fourth sexiest political leader in the world.

Barak Obama is now getting used to topping the polls and the Italians voted him as the sexiest leader with 58 per cent. He was followed by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy with 44 per cent and Italy’s own, Silvio Berlusconi, with 40 per cent.

Zapatero smiled his way in to fourth place leaving in his wake Russia’s Vladmir Putin and Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez.

In the same poll the business leaders were asked to rate the sexy political leaders of the past with Napoleon coming first followed by John F Kennedy and then the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini – well it was an Italian poll.

Surprisingly 81 per cent of those polled said they were attracted by State and Government leaders and the factors that drew their attention most were power (63 per cent) and the attention they give to public opinion (58 per cent). The Playboy survey was taken amongst 180 business leaders and generators of opinion in Italy.

Curiously Britain’s jowly prime minister, Gordon Brown, was not listed and one can only wonder how Mariano “Papa Smurf” Rajoy would have scored in this poll of polls.

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